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Gee, it's fun learning to play!

The U.S. Virgin Islands' Premier Music School!
No matter what your AGE, we encourage you to join the G-Clef Music Club today and learn music anytime, any day, from anywhere using your Smartphone, tablet or computer.  Your membership will reinforce music reading skills through playing fun music theory games.  Ready to Join Club Now!

We have partnered with to offer you an exciting way to learn music.  Our partnership is bringing hundreds of games to you.  Simply enroll in the club and we will provide you with a username and password to get you on your way to experiencing the joy of moving from level to level--growing in your music knowledge.  Read more about music game levels.

Here are some benefits of the G-Clef Music Club: 

1)   Access to hundreds of learning games, all levels
2)   Develop music comprehension and sightreading skills
3)   Speeds the progress of study in ALL instruments, including voice
4)   Aural feature in most games promotes ear training (hearing and repeating notes)
5)   Proven success with students with special needs
6)   Enhances cognitive development
7)   Students can be engaged anytime of the day
8)   Music learning through games are based on levels
9)   Earn a prize through competitive club challenges for each level
10) Encourages a lifetime enjoyment of learning music
11) Access to all MIDI games

You are just a few clicks away from enjoying your love for music!
You have two ways of paying for your G-Clef Music Club membership fee.  You can save by selecting annual membership or you can select monthly membership.  If you select monthly membership, your monthly membership fee is paid by an automatic credit card payment (on the same day each month) using our secure online payment system.
G-Clef Music Club

Sign up using our secure online payment system. Your credit card will be charged today and every month thereafter on the same date. Or you may make a one-time annual payment and receive a renewal notice.

No contracts! You may cancel your membership at any time by email. You may suspend your membership by giving us a date to automatically restart. Student log-ins and records will remain intact. Please cancel or suspend your membership at least one week before your next payment date. Your membership will remain active through your current billing cycle. No refunds.
G-Clef Music Club Annual Membership
12-month membership to G-Clef Music Club. 
Please fill out the form above and submit to join.

$70.00/year (USD)

G-Clef Music Club Monthly Membership
Monthly membership to G-Clef Club that is automatically deducted monthly on your credit card. Please fill out the form above and submit to join.

$6.75/month (USD)

Primary Level:
LetterFly1 Game
(learning "CDE"
on the piano)

Level 2:
Melody Mayhem1 
(helps you to hear
and compare melodies)

​Level 1:
Page Turner
Treble Staff Spaces 
(Learn the staff spaces)



*First Name:                                                                        *Last Name:  

*Gender :  

*Age:                       Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy):                      /                   /


*First Name:                                                                            *Last Name:

*Email Address:

*Mailing Address:                                                                                City:

*State/Province:                                       *Zip/Postal Code:                                         *Country:


                   *Instrument                                     *Musical Level                                      *Current Book Level

Name of Music Academy/School/Studio​:   

Name of Music Teacher:  

Name of Music Book:  

*I, Parent/Individual Over 18, agree to the G-Clef Music Club Member Policies for Internet and Game Use

Learning Music at Any Age Can Be Fun
Website designed by G-Clef Music Academy © 2013
Already a club member?
G-Clef Club Members'
Link to LOG ON
(Once connected, please enter 
your Username and Password)
Want to try out some fun music games?
LEARN MUSIC THEORY the FUN way through aural, reading,
writing and performance GAMES

Here are some music theory skills members learn through the G-Clef Music Club: 

1)  Keyboard Elements: Identify white and black keys, and sharps and flats.
2)  Pitch and Melody:  Learn pitch movements (up, down or same), loud or soft, and identify notes on the treble clef and bass clefs.
3)  Rhythm:  Identify rhythm patters; learn note values (quarter notes, half notes, etc.), number of beats, time signatures, and rhythm math.
4)  Scale:  C major
5)  Intervals:  Learn steps and skips; and identify 2nds, 3rds, 4th, and 5th on the keyboard.
6) Music Symbols and Terms:  Learn music alphabet, finger numbers for right and left hand, music symbols, stem direction, and memory/concentration

1)  Keyboard Elements: Play black key sharps and flats on the on-screen keyboard
2)  Pitch and Melody (Aural/Visual): Learn pitch movements and patterns (up, down, same, by step or skip), and note comparisons; identify 4-chord pattern as forte or piano, Do-Re-Mi patterns, different tonics, staff and noteheads; listen to melodies to put measures in order; compare melodic patterns (same or different); detect errors on notated pages; identify and play notes on Treble and Bass Clefs (spaces and lines); read and play steps and repeats, as will as sharps and flats; and identify notes on Grand Staff.
3)  Rhythm (Aural/Visual): Match quarter note and rest patterns, determine if rhythm is steady, unsteady, faster, slower, same; determine and name which rhythm is played (quarter, half, dotted half and whole notes/rests); learn new music terns; and identify time signatures, bar lines and rhythm math.
4) Scales and Ket Signatures: Read, play, and identify notes on C Major pentascale, G Major pentascale, Treble, Bass and middle G Major pentascale; identify key signatures and pentascales as Major or minor.
5) Intervals (Aural/Visual): Hear, play and identify 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, and 5ths; play back Major pentascale; Identify intervals aurally and visually, steps up/down or skips up/down, half steps up/down and whole steps on keyboard and staff.
6)  Music Symbols: Identify Level 1 music symbols, stem direction, and learn memory/concentration skills.
7)  Tonal Memory and Play Back: Hear and play random patterns of DO-RE-MI-FA-SOL, and 4 and 5 notes.

1)  Pitch and Melody (Aural/Visual): Learn pitch patters with ends and 3rds, all lines and spaces on bass staff, read and play notes on treble and bass staffs, identify and name ledger lines above treble staff
2)  Rhythm (Aural/Visual): Learn notated patterns, aurally identify different meters, visually identify different time signatures, half and whole rests and ties, notes and rest values through eighth notes and rests/eighth-note pairs, supply missing note/rest in a measure.
3)  Scales and Key Signatures: Rapidly identify the notes of the G Major pentascale (Treble and Bass), aurally identify pentascales as Major or minor, name order of flats/sharps as they appear in key signatures.
4)  Intervals (Aural/Visual): Hear/play back and identify 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, 6ths, 7ths, and 8ths (same and different roots) on staff, half/whole steps, and minor pentascales.
5)  Chords and Harmony: Aurally identify chord quality (Major and minor); play triads on the onscreen keyboard; see and name Major triads starting on white keys; hear a 4-chord progression of I and V7 chords; and visually identify tonic and dominant chords in C and G Major
6)  Music Symbols and Terms
7)  Tonal Memory & Play Back

1) Pitch and Melody (Aural/Visual): Learn melodic dictation and sight-reading patterns; review the Grand Staff; and identify ledger lines.
2) Rhythm (Aural/Visual): Aurally identify music meters, measure rhythms, and place barlines in various rhythm patterns.
3) Scales and Key Signatures: Name the order of the flats and sharps as they appear in key signatures; identify all sharp and flat key signatures; aurally identify scales as major, natural minor and harmonic minor; and identify relative minor key signatures.
4) Intervals (Aural/Visual): Identify aural intervals (half step and whole step); hear and identify 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, 6ths, 7ths, and octaves; hear a pattern of 3 harmonic intervals and identify the intervals; identify half steps, whole steps and octaves on the keyboard and the staff.
5) Chords and Harmony (Aural/Visual): Hear a 4-chord pattern of Major and minor triads and define the quality of each chord; identify a 4-chord patterns of Major and minor triads aurally and visually; hear I-V7-I, i-V7-i, I-IV-I and i-iv-i and identify whether the progression is Major or minor; and see and name Major triads starting on white keys.

1) Pitch and Melody (Aural/Visual): Learn melodic dictation and sight-reading patterns; and identify ledger lines.
2) Rhythm (Aural/Visual): Rapidly read and play grand staff; read and name C-D-E and C-B-A on ledger lines between the staves; and hear and see a two-measure rhythm.
3) Scales and Key Signatures: Aurally identify scales as Major, natural minor and harmonic minor; and identify all sharp, flat, and relative minor key signatures.
4) Intervals (Aural/Visual): Aurally identify ends, 3rds, 4ths and 5ths; hear a pattern of 3 harmonic intervals and identify the intervals; identify aural intervals (m2, M2, m3, M3, P4, and P5); identify 5ths, 6ths, 7ths and octaves on the staff; and identify minor 2nds and Major 2nds on the keyboard and the staff.
5) Chords and Harmony (Aural/Visual): Hear I-V7-I, i-V7-i, I-IV-I and i-iv-i and identify whether the progression is Major or minor; and hear 4 chord progressions to match with the correct chord symbols; identify Major and Augmented triads, and minor and diminished triads; and name the root of a triad in root position and 1st and 2nd inversions.

1) Pitch and Melody (Aural/Visual): Learn melodic dictation ranges, and read and play ledger ones between the staves.
2) Rhythm (Aural/Visual): Learn rhythmic dictation, including eighth note pairs.
3) Scales and Key Signatures: Aurally identify scales as Major, natural minor and harmonic minor; see a scale pattern and select the key signature that makes it a minor scale (sharps and flats); identify key signatures and play keynotes; and see a Major, natural minor and harmonic minor scale and identify which one is heard.
4) Intervals (Aural/Visual): Hear and play back 2nds through octaves (same root and harmonic minor scale); identify aural intervals (m2, M2, m3, M3, P4, P5, P5, m6, M6, m7, M7, and P8).
5) Chords and Harmony (Aural/Visual): Hear 4 chord progressions and match to correct chord symbols; and identify 4-chord patterns of Major and augmented triads, Major and Augmented and Diminished triads, chords I, IV and V in various Majors.
[email protected]

(340) 228-1126
You will need the free Adobe Flash Player 11.0 or higher to play music games on your computer or tablet.
If you are a music teacher and would like to become an Associate Music Teacher for the G-Clef Music Club, please click this link:
When playing music games on any iOS or Android devices, it is recommended to use a browser like Puffin.  Another browser option with Flash Player for Android devices is FlashFox and for iPads is VirtualFirefox.
You can also install any of these browsers through your App Store on your Smart Device.
After you submit, you MUST select a payment option to complete your membership.
Steel Pan
Never Played an Instrument Before
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5